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How to Support Civil Liberties & Denton Musicians All at Once

If you’ve spent any amount of time on social media this past couple of weeks you’ve probably seen that the current political climate is inciting some pretty strong feelings from the folks on your friends list. It’s a lot to take in and process, but if you’re like me, you’re turning to music to help you through. Bandcamp is one of our favorite places to support the artists we love, discover new ones, and share it all with our friends. While any day is a good day to do all that, doing so today comes with an extra benefit: Bandcamp will be donating 100% of their proceeds to the American Civil Liberties Union to help defend individual rights and liberties. Several local bands have also stepped up and will be doing the same - we wanted to highlight those, new music you can check out, and also share some statements from other local artists that are fighting the fight to help you double up on your support of causes today.

Sylvania Ave.

Self-described as “Denton’s new boy band” they showed up on the scene in late-2016. They’ve already got an EP out, titled In a Day that was recorded, mixed, and mastered by Michael Briggs at Civil Recording. They’ll be donating their portion of sales today “as a way to show support and solidarity to friends, family, neighbors, and strangers who are being kept from their families, feeling scared for their future, and experiencing hatred and discrimination, as well as those fighting”. 

I, the Ghost

“Human decency is a right we ALL have” says I, the Ghost on their social media accounts. Their debut EP isn’t scheduled to be released until February 21st, but they’ll be releasing it early for one day only and only on Bandcamp. All proceeds from today's sales will be donated to the ACLU. (Disclosure: I am the manager for I, the Ghost)


Throughout last summer, Fishboy recorded an album on an iPhone while commuting to and from Dallas. He's been waiting for the right time to release that and with Bandcamp pledging to donate their proceeds to the ACLU - today is that day. It's said to be very casual compared to normal Fishboy records. Personally, I can't wait to hear it.

The Infamists

The Infamists and their brand of milf-rock have one EP and one LP available on Bandcamp. They'll be donating 100% of today's sales to the ACLU.

The Dump Trumps

Recently formed Denton Punk/Skacore band The Dump Trumps have their debut EP coming soon, but in the meantime, check out their 2nd single, Your Fault, that just got released today. Their debut single, No Borders No Walls, is also available. All proceeds all-the-time go to Planned Parenthood.

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New Music

Wren and Chris Welch & The Cicada Killers both have albums dropping today. Matt Young released an EP on Tuesday. You can also get your digital hands on recently-released new tunes from Cig Oasis, Duncan Kennedy Onassis, The Recessions, Brian Lambert, Take me to Your Leader, The Pilots of Plight, and others. Check out the Denton tag on Bandcamp for more (note: this tag includes music from Denton, MD and Denton, UK as well...though it is mostly Denton, TX). 

Whatever your stance on everything going on right now, we hope you can agree that music knows no borders. Do your ears a favor and support the local musicians who put a lot of time, money, and effort into recording a song or two or 10 just so that you can listen to it on your own time. If you do so today, you’ll be helping the ACLU do what they do. If that’s not your thing, you can still support local music tomorrow.