New App Fan Fair Helps Creatives Think Bigger

Technology is slowly taking over our daily lives. The average person spends around one-third of their  waking hours engaging with their phone. Us Dentonites are no exception, for a good app can really change the way we view and interact with the world.  

We are all pretty familiar with most of the popular apps, (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter) but one app that you should consider paying attention to goes by the name of FanFair. FanFair is an IOS-based app that acts as social media for artists and their fans to have a more impactful reach.

The slogan of the app reads, “Inspiring creatives to think bigger.” The app's creator Michael Ude wants it to address the issue of creatives not having the confidence to connect their product with people in their area. He said this app can possibly make their dreams a sustainable business model.  

Ude said that negative perspectives keep artists away from their dreams.

“It forces people to view their talents as a hobby, versus approaching it as their livelihood,” Ude said.

With the app, an artist can share their work in a more personal space that interacts with their audience and other artists. At the same time you expand your reach, you can help support other artists.

When signing up for an account, an introductory video from Ude (the mural on Creative Art Studio serves as a backdrop) explains how artists can use the app to promote growth. 

In the video Ude said, "we want to take this mobile platform to connect you with people that are like you with a different location."

Users will fill out information on what kind of artist they are, and answer questions pertaining to career goals and sources of inspiration. One of the initial prompts asks users to identify their industry of which the following four options are currently available: music, actor, author, and photography.

After the initial setup, it's encouraged to upload content that others can see. Next is the most critical and also most fun part. On the artist suggestion page users can find creatives they'd like to support. Through the app, paired artists can help each other grow by promoting their work on various social media platforms they're already using. 

“FanFair gives creative professionals the ability to collaborate together, connect you with people who are similar to you, and give you exposure to markets where you can't be physically or can't afford to be yet,” Ude said.

The app is free on iOS.

Fan Fair is hosting an creatives networking event at Paschall Bar on Friday, Feb. 9, 2018. For more info, check out the Facebook event and their Facebook page.

Header image courtesy of Fan Fair
Header image layout designed by Christopher Rodgers